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By Casey Grey
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Yesterday I had the privilege of attending an event held by Steve Lowell with guest speaker Sunil Tulsiani. These two guys are phenomenal. They are out to serve and they absolutely deliver.
Most of my morning so far has been spent reviewing my notes and taking action on the things I noted from the event. It is amazing what one day of powerful and positive energy can do! There are so many great things I could share but there is one thing that stuck with me the most. It is how we talk about money to others and to ourselves. Specifically what we say about its importance. If we say money is not important, what are we telling our subconscious mind about money? Imagine telling your wife that she's not important but you want her anyways... How would that work out? I suspect you would not have a wife... So what happens if you say money is not important but you want it anyways? Money is energy. Money is proof that you are delivering value to people. Money alone is not bad or good, it's a resource to help you. You get to choose what you want to do with it. Money does not have to be everything but it is important. Comments are closed.
January 2020