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By Casey Grey
Blog |
I know I need to eat healthier.
I know I need to exercise more. I know I need to spend more time with my spouse and kids. I know I work too much. I know I need to sleep more. I know I need to read more. I know I need to meditate more. I know I need to quit my job. I know I need to start this new business. I know, I know, I know... Knowing is not enough. You need to take action. What are you actually going to DO this year? Make 2020 a year of action. Brian and I are starting the year off with a bunch of recording today. Watch out 2020! Here we come! 2020 will be a year of focus. 20/20 vision so to speak.
Focus is a powerful skill although it needs to be directed properly. If you are focused on the wrong things, the outcome may not be what you were hoping for. "What's the one thing I can do that will make everything else obsolete or easier?" is a good question I learned from The One Thing. It gets your brain thinking about what's most important as oppose to what's easiest. Another way of thinking of this is in terms of energy. Here's the analogy of the field mice and the antelope by Newt Gingrich from Tools of Titans: "A lion is fully capable of capturing, killing, and eating a field mouse. But it turns out that the energy required to do so exceeds the caloric content of the mouse itself. So a lion that spent its day hunting and eating field mice would slowly starve to death. A lion can’t live on field mice. A lion needs antelope. Antelope are big animals. They take more speed and strength to capture and kill, and once killed, they provide a feast for the lion and her pride. A lion can live a long and happy life on a diet of antelope. The distinction is important. Are you spending all your time and exhausting all your energy catching field mice? In the short term it might give you a nice, rewarding feeling. But in the long run you’re going to die. So ask yourself at the end of the day, “Did I spend today chasing mice or hunting antelope?" What are you going to focus on today? Over this past year, writing every day has been a powerful experience and something I plan on continuing for the foreseeable future.
As we role into 2020 I'm contemplating what I would like to commit to for my next personal journey. Something I would like to get better at is storytelling. A good storyteller can captivate an audience. They can get your attention and keep it. They get you to WANT more. Perhaps I will commit to one podcast episode a week where I share something powerful. Where it forces me to become a better storyteller and ultimately a better speaker. Last night I had the opportunity to play poker with some old high school friends. I was looking forward to connecting and having some good laughs. I was also looking forward to playing poker. I had not seen those friends or played poker in quite some time.
Poker is such a great game. There's obviously luck involved as with most card games but there is also strategy. That strategy could be understanding the odds but it is also understanding your opponents. More importantly, mindset comes into play. This will affect your game and last night I was very aware of this for myself. What I found was that I had thoughts holding me back. I was saying things to myself like:
All these thoughts prevented me from winning last night. I was holding myself back. I was not open to allowing the universe to let me win. If I'm doing this with a simple game of poker, where else am I doing this in my life? It's time to release the blockages! I AM open to receiving. In order to have more you need to be able to receive more.
In order to receive more you need to be able to give more. In order to give more you need to be able to have more. It's a continuous spiral and it's up to you to make sure that spiral is going upwards and expanding outwards. I hope you had an amazing Christmas, received everything you wanted and gave everything you could. (This guy sure did...) Below is a picture of my favourite gift from yesterday.
It's my favourite not only because it came from my wife but also because of the thought that was put into it. She knows me best. She sees me when I'm on a high and when I'm on a low (even when I try to hide it). This was exactly what I needed. A new message every day being picked from the universal power but made by the person I love most. In return it fuels me to serve the universe and be the best human I can. The picture on the jar is of me when I was maybe 2 years old. A time when imagination was everything and anything was possible. A time where I had no habits, consistent bad hair days and very few teeth. A time where a smile or a laugh would light up the room. And I'm even in a victory pose! It's time to tune back into the power of that 2 year old and let my imagination run wild, have fun, laugh, smile and light up rooms everywhere I go. Thank you Natasha. I love you so much. What is the magic of Christmas?
Or has Christmas lost it's magic for you? Have you seen it through the eyes of the children? Do you remember what it was like when you were a child? Sullivan woke us up 6 times last night before we finally got out of bed at 5:15am. He was so excited! Santa was coming and he just wanted to get up and see if he came. What makes it so magical? It's the belief. They believe that Santa is real. Belief is a powerful force. And who's to say that Santa is not real? Kids all over the world believe in Santa and kids all over the world get presents from Santa. Perhaps Santa lives through us parents... When you are committed to something, you get it done no matter what. You give it the time it deserves, no matter what.
Commitment is a scary word for most people. Perhaps it signifies lack of freedom. For me, it's power. It forces me to focus on what I know is most important. It's freedom for the mind. "If you keep doing what you have always been doing, you will continue to get what you have always gotten."
A lot of people have been quoted as saying this (or a version of this) such as Henry Ford and Albert Einstein. I've been thinking about this a lot recently. Although I believe in this wisdom, there is also importance in having patience. Giving things the time they deserve. People pivot too quickly these days. That being said, we all have habits that are not serving us. Habits that continue to give us the results we have always gotten that we are not satisfied with. If you continue to have health problems but continue to eat junk food, don't expect something different. If you continue to have problems with your relationships but don't work on yourself, don't expect your relationships to improve. If you continue to have money problems but don't track your money, don't expect your finances to get better. Remember though, improvements are sometimes small and hard to see. Perhaps all of those things above ARE getting better but they just aren't where you want them to be. In that case, you may need to continue what you are already doing. Be patient and persistent. Today, I'm trying something new. Energy Healing with Jasmine at Younion. But it's only part of the improvements I have been implementing into my life. I'm looking forward to seeing all the good that comes from this. This holiday try something new that will serve you and those around you. Is your life comfortable? Is it okay? Perhaps it's not bad but it's not great either... What about your job or your business? Is it comfortable or are you being pushed beyond your perceived limits? Does your partner encourage you to reach further? What about your friends? Do they challenge you? Are you doing something that makes you uncomfortable every day? Over the holidays, it's nice to be comfortable. To relax and enjoy what you have. But the rest of the time, comfort will only slow you down. "Everything you want is just outside your comfort zone." |
September 2024