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By Casey Grey
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How much information is Too Much Information (TMI)?
We live in a time where information is everywhere. From seminars to podcasts to videos to information sessions to summits to trade shows and everything in between. If we have a question, we just pull out the device from our pocket (or purse). I believe the best thing to do is figure out which information is relevant to us right NOW. Information is great... If you can do something with it. There's no point in knowing about how to sail if you don't plan on sailing any time soon. Unfortunately I find myself consuming useless information all the time. I just walked out of a presentation because there was no need for me to take in the information they were giving me. It was not going to make me better or help me in any way at this point in time. Perhaps I would need it later but I can always look it up later. Every time we take in information and process it, it takes energy. That's energy that's not being used for something else. Energy that now needs to be replenished. Funny enough, as I write this in a coffee shop, there is a couple beside me reading cards and asking each other questions about random things. It sounds like Trivial Pursuit questions. They seem to be having fun, so perhaps that's the point... Or does it just feed our ego and need for certainty? Having the answer feels good. We feel smarter. Or maybe for them it's connection. For myself, I feel the need to be conscious of the information I'm consuming. I will conserve my energy for what's important to me. Comments are closed.
September 2024