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By Casey Grey
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I'm currently re-reading a book I read quite a few years ago. It's called "Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... And Others Don't" by Jim Collins. It's amazing how much we forget (I'm saying "we" because I'm assuming it's not just me). There is so much of this book I don't remember and I'm sure I thought to myself "Oh this is good! I'll remember this!" when I was reading it the first time. That may be a good topic for another day... In reading last night before I went to bed, I read a very intriguing quote: "You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.” This was exactly what I needed to read. This is something I struggle with, especially around money. I have faith it will all work out however I have trouble accepting where I currently am. I feel like I "should" be further ahead.
Life is a constant back-and-forth between being an optimist and a realist. We need to have faith it will all work out but we also need to accept where we currently stand. We need to set the intention and let go of the outcome. What does that mean? I have a great example. Natasha and I want to find our dream home. I have faith we will find it. When? I have no idea. If I set a goal to find it by the end of the month, there's a good chance I will be disappointed. There's a lot that would need to happen between now and then for this to become reality. If it does happen, amazing! I will gladly accept it. For now, I accept where we are today and know that we may be in a similar situation in a month from now. I do, however, have faith that this will not always be our reality. I will take all the necessary steps in my control in order to make this happen but know it will come to be when the time is right. It's a game of patience. Something that is lacking in our world today (including in myself). I believe the secret to life is 3 things:
The first two is exactly what we're talking about here. Comments are closed.
January 2020