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By Casey Grey
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Marketing is a tough gig.
If you're doing it online it's easy to track where the lead came from and what they purchased. How do you track other forms of marketing that don't involve "clicking"? Even the sandwich board outside your restaurant may be deceiving in terms of the numbers. Perhaps somebody came in because they saw your sandwich board, however, their friend had mentioned your restaurant the week before. The sandwich board was the tipping point. So do you count that one as a referral or the sandwich board that worked? At The Conscious Builder, most of our projects are referrals. Second (a far second) would be project signs. Third doesn't even matter because those two account for almost everything. Do people find us online and reach out to us? Absolutely. But they rarely hire us. They usually have a referral from somebody else they know and are using us to price check. So do we stop doing everything else and just focus on referrals? No but this does help us focus our time and energy on the appropriate leads when they come in. Everything works together. Once they're in the door, we need to prove that we can deliver and that we're here to stay. Yes, most of our work comes from referrals but people refer us because of the work we do as well as all the other things we do as a business. Today, everybody is fighting for your attention. Heck, the fact that you're reading this is impressive because you could be doing anything else. Why am I writing this anyways? I'm not trying to sell anything. I'm doing it for numerous reasons but there is a result that is happening. I'm proving to you that I'm committed. More importantly, I'm proving to myself that I'm committed. With commitment comes confidence and with confidence anything is possible. The best marketing is committed. How you prove it is up to you but I suggest you prove it to yourself first. Get out there and commit! Spread your story! Share your message! Not sure what that is yet? Perhaps that should be your first commitment... I'm still working on mine too... Comments are closed.
September 2024