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By Casey Grey
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If you have not heard this analogy or done this exercise before, it's important to understand.
If you have heard it before but don't implement it, why? How's it working for you? For myself, I've only started to really implement it this year and the results have been tenfold compared to previous years. I feel better, my relationships are stronger and business is better than ever. This is what you need for the exercise:
Step 1: Grab the jar. Step 2: Fill the jar with water. Step 3: Add Sand. "Wait... Step 3 does not make sense. I've already filled the jar with water, how can I add the sand?" Good point. Let's do it another way. Step 1: Grab the jar. Step 2: Fill the jar with rocks. Step 3: Add Sand. Step 4: Add water. Now it all fits! This jar is your calendar. The amount of time you have. Whether it's a day, a month or a year, we all have a finite amount of time. The rocks represent the most important things in your life. The key is to put the rocks in first. If you don't, you'll never be able to fit everything in. I understood that this is easier said than done. We're focused on work and money because we feel we "need" it and we forget why we're doing it all in the first place. The thing with work is that it will always be there. There will always be more work to do. Especially if you're good at what you do. Family and friends on the other hand, they may not always be there. Your age will change. What you're able to do now, you may not be able to do later. Your kids, they grow older. Soon my son will not want to cuddle on the couch. Figure out your rocks and put them in your jar. In other words, figure out your priorities and book them into your calendar FIRST. Comments are closed.
January 2020