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By Casey Grey
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I met a wonderful person a couple weeks ago. His name is Dr. Obom Bowen.
Like most entrepreneurs, it's tough to stay focused. I see opportunities all over the place. as I shared this in a conversation, Obom said that had the same issue in the past and that is why he had a pin made in the shape of glasses that he wears on his suits. He explained something very simple to me: "In order to get focused you need to have clarity and in order to have clarity you need to have a purpose." Purpose = Clarity = Focus It's a simple formula but not easy to implement. It takes determination and I've spent many hours meditating on this. One thing is for sure, I'm being pulled towards helping people. Specifically, men. Everything in my life has been setting me up for this moment in time and there's something exciting brewing... Comments are closed.
September 2024