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By Casey Grey
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There is one thing that is the same for everybody on earth no matter where they are or where they come from. That one thing is time. We all have 24 hours in a day.
Yesterday I was on fire! I tackled my priorities for the day and then some. I even had less time than usual because I had to pick up Sullivan from a friend's house since he's on March Break for the next two weeks. I accomplished my work goals, played with Sullivan and even made dinner. How did I get so much done yesterday? You may be familiar with Parkinson's Law. If you're not, Parkinson's Law is the adage that "work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion". Yesterday I put this into action. I knew I had a lot on my plate and know I have a lot coming up over the next couple weeks. To be completely honest, life is only getting "busier". This means that I need to get better at managing myself and my time. As the businesses become more successful there's only going to be more demands on me. More emails, more phone calls, more lunch meetings, more breakfast meetings, more business trips, more team members, more bills, more, more, more... I bet I have no idea what busy really means yet. In fact, I hate the word "busy". Busy is just relative. I'm going to delete that word from my vocabulary. How about this... Am I being impactful? Comments are closed.
September 2024