Lean InWith Casey Grey
Physically, we are in winter right now. It’s not a surprise. We’re coming towards the end of January and it’s Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. But people still complain and people still aren’t prepared for when it shows up.
But not everybody complains. There are many people who are prepared and who do make the most of the winter. They go skating on the canal. They go snowshoeing in the Gatineau Hills. They plan a ski trip with friends. They go tobogganing with their kids. They make the most out of a season that many run away from. The economy and life are the same. There are seasons that come and go and they never stop. It’s a continuous cycle. How would your life change if you planned for the seasons? If you made the most of the season no matter what? Winter can be the greatest season of all if you plan for it to be. Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Spotify, Stitcher or any other of your favourite podcast players.
Last year, I started an adult gymnastics course and I’m still loving it. Alex MacInnis does a fantastic job teaching and explaining the purpose for everything.
One of the things that Alex talks about is the importance of strength. Yes, we want to be flexible but flexibility without strength can cause injuries. One without the other is also a lack of control. This is true for life. The person who is most flexible is in control however that person also needs to be strong when it counts. Life is unpredictable. We may think that we're in control but the truth is that the only thing we really have control over is how we act or react in any given situation (and most of us have trouble controlling ourselves). We may think we have control over external things or people but that is an illusion... Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Spotify, Stitcher or any other of your favourite podcast players.
We often hear people talk about the importance of YES. "Say yes and figure it out later!" is something that comes up often in the world I'm in. Although I agree with this statement, I think we need to counter balance those yeses (is that a word?) with some nos.
For every yes you say, you’re saying no to something else. So make sure you want to do this thing you are saying yes to. You need to protect your most important asset, your time, and keep it for what is most important to you. Where can you bring more NO into your life in order to make more room for the big YES? Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Spotify, Stitcher or any other of your favourite podcast players. ![]()
This episode starts with SabriNa Lemay as she presents to a few hundred students at the Royal Ottawa Hospital for an event organized by Do It for Darren. DIFD is an organization focused on support, education and research initiatives for Mental Health. They encourage young people to talk openly about mental health and to ask for help when needed, without fear or shame.
Sabrina shares her story from her first experience with mental health to where she is today and her aspirations to help teenagers in need. It is a story of what is possible when you are committed NO MATTER WHAT. SabriNa has turned her pain into empowerment and used it to propel her forward every single day. She is a force for good that is here to spread the love. You can reach out to Sabrina directly at: [email protected] or follow her on instagram at @Mindbodysoul.work.
Show Links:
Mental Health Fundraising Gala May 1st 2020 Life in Red Podcast Episode #34 with Ryan Forsyth Do It for Darren Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Spotify, Stitcher or any other of your favourite podcast players.
How would your life change if you made the choice to be happy right now?
As somebody who puts a lot of focus on achievement and accomplishing goals, I have found that I delay myself the privilege of being happy. And when I say happy, I mean to really experience joy and laughter. I say to myself things like; "I'll be happy when I get this project." "I'll be happy when I pay off this debt." "I'll be happy when we clear $3,000,000 in sales." "I'll be happy when I get a Tesla." This list goes on… The truth is that none of that will bring me happiness. Happiness can only be experienced in the moment. Happiness is a choice and we get to choose how we want to feel right now. Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Spotify, Stitcher or any other of your favourite podcast players. [add this line to the description on the website ONLY]
Our environment has a huge impact on who we are and what we do. Our environments will force us to create habits whether we're aware of them or not. Habits can make us or break us. They're either serving us or hurting us.
One of the things I like to do is design my environment to win. If I want to start flossing, I will put the floss beside my toothbrush or in a location where it catches my eye. If I want to eat healthy, I will purchase healthy food and keep all the junk food out of the house. If I want to stay consistent with my workout, I will join a club where people pull me to be better. If I want to stay off social media then I will install a program on my computer which prevents me from going on social media. If I want to stop watching TV, I will get rid of my TV. If I want to read more, I will put books in places I will see them or listen to audiobooks while I drive. You get the point… I believe a big part of habits is self awareness. If you know what triggers your bad habits, you can avoid those triggers. On the flip side, if you know what triggers your empowering habits, you can put yourself in those situations more often. How can you improve your environment today? Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Spotify, Stitcher or any other of your favourite podcast players.
I'm baffled when people tell me they CAN'T do something.
I can't lose weight. I can't quit my job. I can't start a business. I can't go on vacation. I can't quit smoking. I can't quit eating meat. I can't buy a new car. I can’t control my kid. I can't. I can't. I can't. The truth is that people do these things every single day. People who say they can't are CHOOSING not to do these things. They are choosing to prioritize something else. Which is totally fine if that's what they want to do! Just stop saying that you can't, because you can. Our brain is a powerful tool that, if used properly, can propel us. If used improperly, it will keep us stuck. The thing about our brain is that it does not want to be wrong. If you tell it you can't do something, it will say, "you're right! Let me tell you all the reasons you can't do that." BUT… The same thing is true when you say, "I can and I will." Your brain will say, "Alright! Let's figure out how to do this!" Just like going to the gym you need to exercise the brain. You need to train it. You need to start with the 5 pound dumbbells and work yourself up to the 100 pound dumbbells. Increase that weight every day. Remove CAN'T from your vocabulary and watch the magic that happens in your life. Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Spotify, Stitcher or any other of your favourite podcast players.
On January 8 of 2019 I committed to a Daily Blog and I kept that commitment. Not only have I kept it but I will continue to write every day. I will commit to another year and I suspect it will continue on after that. But that’s not my commitment for 2020...
Today, January 8, 2020, I am committing to something new. I’m committing to a daily podcast. I will make sure that everyday you will hear my voice (if you choose to subscribe to Lean In with Casey Grey). Just like when I committed to writing daily, I am doing this because I want to be better than I was yesterday (or in this case, last year). I want to become a better speaker and storyteller so that I can help people find that inspiration inside of them and release it! I said it last year and I’ll say it again. New Years Resolutions are useless unless you are committed. What are you going to commit to today? Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Spotify, Stitcher or any other of your favourite podcast players.
I know I need to eat healthier.
I know I need to exercise more. I know I need to spend more time with my spouse and kids. I know I work too much. I know I need to sleep more. I know I need to read more. I know I need to meditate more. I know I need to quit my job. I know I need to start this new business. I know, I know, I know... Knowing is not enough. You need to take action. What are you actually going to DO this year? Make 2020 a year of action. Brian and I are starting the year off with a bunch of recording today. Watch out 2020! Here we come! ![]()
Assignments, Pod calls, Zoom calls, Monday Night Live, Rise with Rock and Live Events. There's no shortage of opportunities for growth with M1.
Rock Thomas and Casey talk about the M1 Tribe, a community focused on growing and becoming whole-life millionaires. Casey takes us through his journey over the past year with M1 and shares his life changing experience from the latest live event in Montreal, Quebec. Links |
February 2020