Lean InWith Casey Grey
Have you ever seen a dog owner greet their dog after a day away (or even just a couple hours away)? Perhaps you are this person. The excitement and love that comes from both sides of the interaction is contagious. There's no way to watch this event without smiling.
This can be similar for parents and their kids (or at least younger kids). I’ve been a part of both of these interactions. Coming home to my dog after a long day or work or picking up my son from school. It’s a fun experience. This had me thinking... When I see my wife after a day of work, I don't exude the same excitement as when I see my son or when I used to see my dog. Why? I love her just as much as my son, if not more. I definitely love her more than I loved my dog. Why do I hold back this excitement? What am I afraid of? When I see my team members at work, I hold back as well. Why not show them I'm happy to see them and proud to have them on the team? I don't need to hug and kiss them like I do with my son or wrestle them like I did with my dog but I can show excitement. What if I greeted everybody with the same excitement I have when greeting my dog or child? How would that improve my relationships? Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Spotify, Stitcher or any other of your favourite podcast players. Comments are closed.
February 2020