Lean InWith Casey Grey
Trees that grow in protected conditions will not grow strong roots. A tree that stands out in the open, exposed to all the elements will grow to be stronger than a tree in the middle of a forest.
The tree adapts to its environment from a young age and take the time to grow accordingly. A tree in the middle of a forest may grow upwards quickly but will fail to grow strong roots. It will compete with the other trees to grow tall and get the rays from the sun. It’s constantly competing and trying to outreach the neighbouring trees. Yes, it’s protected from the storms and will likely stand tall but only as long as the surrounding trees are also standing tall. You get to choose... Do you want to stand in the middle of the forest and compete to be the tallest or do you want to stand out in the middle of a field and grow to be stronger than every other tree in that forest? Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Spotify, Stitcher or any other of your favourite podcast players. Comments are closed.
February 2020