Lean InWith Casey Grey
Trying... What a useless word.
I admit, I'm guilty of using this word. I'm trying to remove this from my vocabulary... Wait... I WILL remove this from my vocabulary. I don't see any use for it. I'm either going to do the task I have set out to do or I'm not. I'm committed or I'm not. I'm strong enough or I'm not. There's no in between. Do it or don't do it. If I think back to when I use this word, it's either when I don't really want to do something or I'm not confident I'm able to do it. In either case, it's usually just a mind shift that's required or a commitment. Let's work together to remove this word-that-shall-not-be-said from our lives. Let's replace it with something that empowers us! Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Spotify, Stitcher or any other of your favourite podcast players. Comments are closed.
February 2020