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By Casey Grey
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One of the things I enjoy doing with my son, Sullivan, is watching animated movies. It's the little kid in me I guess. What I love most about these animated movies is the message in them. Every once in a while there's a really good one that truly stands out.
This past weekend, we watched The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince). This one stood out! There were so many amazing messages throughout the movie and it was truly captivating. The one that stood out for me was, "Growing up is not the problem. Forgetting is." For myself this was a reminder that nothing ever dies until we forget about it and nobody ever dies until we forget about them. There's a similar quote in the song Glorious by Macklemore where he sings: I heard you die twice, once when they bury you in the grave And the second time is the last time that somebody mentions your name It's a reminder to focus on what is most important. To focus on the people who's lives I can have a positive impact on as appose to the number of followers I have on instagram. To have fun, be a kid, smile, laugh and cry. To be present with the person in front of me. To write about what inspires me. To approach everyday with a sense of excitement and curiosity. By doing these things I will be setting myself up to remember. And when I remember I will be the best version of me. Comments are closed.
September 2024