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By Casey Grey
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What comes first? The Routine or the Habit?
Another thought provoking conversation with Alex Kazam this morning. I am of the mind that a routine needs to be created and committed to in order for the habit to be created. Alex is of the mind that the habit comes first and a routine is created after the commitment is proven. In either case, we all have routines and habits. Some serve us and some do not. I believe the most important routines are what we do first thing in the morning and what we do last thing at night. Set your day up to win and end the day on a high note! There's way too many things that can happen throughout the day to through your off your game. The beginning and end are the only things we have control over. How are you taking control of your day? Are you allowing yourself to create habits that serve you? Is your environment supporting the "good" habits and removing the "bad" habits?" If you're doing something that's not serving you, perhaps it's time to create a new habit or routine. Perhaps it's time for something new. Something different. You know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, right? Comments are closed.
September 2024