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By Casey Grey
Blog |
As we come up to the one year anniversary of Younion, it's been interesting figuring out how people have come to hear about the studio. It has not been growing as quickly as we hoped but it is definitely growing from month to month.
Over the last 3 months, we have been working on some social media campaigns. When you look at the stats shared by the platforms, they seem to be performing well. The ads get clicks and views and quite a few people fill out the form. Unfortunately, the conversion rate in terms of getting those people to purchase has been low. Last month we had 36 "first timers" walk through the doors. When asked how they heard about Younion, these are how the responses were filled out:
Referrals cost us nothing. Other could be anything. Posters cost us pennies. Internet Searches cost us nothing. The sign costs us nothing once we put it up (and the sign itself was under $200). Facebook and instagram cost us over $2,200... When running a business, it's easy to get lost in the wrong stats. It's easy to get hooked on views and clicks. But those views and clicks are only worth it if they turn into dollars and cents. Even if Facebook and Instagram performed the best, the question would still come down to "is the revenue from these sales covering the costs of advertising?" Tracking is important. But tracking the right thing is more important. Comments are closed.
September 2024